
Healing Planet Earth

We are now entering the 2nd month of the year 2022. That’s a lot of 2s! But, what is the meaning of this seemingly innocuous little number? Perhaps there is something of value that can be learned about the 2 on this 1st day of February, which also happens to be the day of the New Moon in Aquarius, in a powerful number 8 universal month (2 plus 2022). The truth is that this tiny, insignificant number is far more important than we realize, as it lies at the very heart of the human experience.

Be the Light

Be the Light

Many are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of paying attention to our mindsets. As minds generate energy, the thoughts we express, the pictures and images we cultivate in our minds, emanate a vibration. This means that, whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly contributing to the quality of life on planet Earth through the quality of our energy vibration. Once we realize that we are collectively creating, maintaining and sustaining the energy vibration for all life on Earth, we can appreciate the importance of paying attention to our mindsets.

The Truth about Social Distancing

The Truth about Social Distancing

“Social distancing” is not new. I have already discussed this subject in previous blog posts: Bonjour Montreal, Hello, and On the Threshold of Change. But now, with a global pandemic affecting all of us, the subject is more relevant than ever. Social distancing has existed since the dawn of “civilization.” It has manifested as separation, divisiveness and isolation in groups based on land, territories, race, ideology, religious or spiritual beliefs, gender, age, economic standing—all man-made criteria.

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

Earlier this year, I was invited to contribute an article addressing the question: What is the meaning of life? Such a big question! If I had been asked to define the meaning of life even just a couple of years ago, I believe I would have been hard-pressed to provide a satisfactory answer—at least not satisfactory for my own understanding. I might have proposed that the meaning of life was to find joy, or to discover ways of experiencing fulfilment, or perhaps to share loving encounters with others or even to make a helpful contribution to the world.