Many are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of paying attention to our mindsets. As minds generate energy, the thoughts we express, the pictures and images we cultivate in our minds, emanate a vibration. This means that, whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly contributing to the quality of life on planet Earth through the quality of our energy vibration. Once we realize that we are collectively creating, maintaining and sustaining the energy vibration for all life on Earth, we can appreciate the importance of paying attention to our mindsets.

How can we use this knowledge to make life better for ourselves, for others and for the planet? Some may say: even if I mind my mindset, I can never change what is going on out there!

Those who desire to participate in the shift of consciousness on Earth at this time are exploring ways of making a contribution, no matter how small it may seem. But the truth of the matter is that, while we may see our contributions as being extremely small, they are far greater than we believe them to be, since we are far more than just thinking beings abiding in physical bodies.

For those who find the practice of meditation boring, or for those who feel that their practice does not yield results, try sprucing it up by taking an active role in the meditation. Life is not passive; life is very much active. If you don’t want to call it meditation, give it another name. You can do this while sitting quietly in a chair or, eventually, while walking outside in nature or even on a busy street.

Seated comfortably in a chair, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Set aside any thoughts about things you need to do; you can deal with them later. This time is just for you. Visualize a bright source of light high above your head. It may look like a star or a sun. This bright light is the Source of your Being; it is what inspires, nourishes and supports you on your journey. Let that beautiful light beam down upon you, in you and around you, so that you become like a column infused with bright white translucent light, a beacon or a lighthouse.

Now, use your imagination; everyone has imagination. Just recall when you woke up this morning, before you set your feet on the floor, you were imagining all the things you had to do today. So, everyone has the ability to imagine.  Imagine that bright translucent light spreading out from you, expanding outward into the world around you. Imagine spreading it out to that grocery store where some of the staff were feeling grumpy, or to your office or place of work, where your coworkers may have been expressing anger and frustration. Bring that light to a family member or close friend who is distressed. Or, present it to a group of people in positions of power and authority, or a particular leader or politician. You can also send that light to parts of the world where there is darkness, or share that light with mother Earth.

Let that light shine before them, so that it might draw their attention, nudging them to see things differently. It might just catch their attention, so they may then wonder if there might be another way of being. They too have a connection to their own Light Source. That beautiful pure light may help them see that they can make heart-centered, compassionate choices today. Try that and see if your interactions with others are different, if they change, even a little bit. You will then have proof that your time spent in light meditation does have an impact, for you are a part of the world you see, the world you experience.

This practice can take an hour, or ten minutes. It doesn’t matter. Every minute you spend sharing light in the world is worth it. Besides, since you will feel the love that emanates from your heart center while surrounded by this beautiful light, it will feel so good that you may end up spending much more time than you had planned.

Instead of watching an hour of drama television, or unenLIGHTened videos that stir up dark emotions, why not spend an hour showering an aspect of the world in this beautiful, healing, uplifting white light? The climate of the Age of Aquarius is very much in harmony with beauty, creativity, fairness, compassion and a sense of community, but especially, with first-hand experience. Aquarius knows by feeling, being and doing, but above all, Aquarius knows the importance of being heart-centered.

This light is an aspect of you. You own it. Use it, share it and be it so that others can see it and desire it for themselves.

Aquarius: The Age of Revelation, Choice and Transformation

Be the Light

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