“Social distancing” is not new. I have already discussed this subject in previous blog posts: Bonjour Montreal, Hello, and On the Threshold of Change. But now, with a global pandemic affecting all of us, the subject is more relevant than ever. Social distancing has existed since the dawn of “civilization.” It has manifested as separation, divisiveness and isolation in groups based on land, territories, race, ideology, religious or spiritual beliefs, gender, age, economic standing—all man-made criteria.

In recent decades we have begun to shift from the Age of Pisces, an age of cultural multiplicity and clearly defined social hierarchies to the Age of Aquarius. More than any other sign, Aquarius fosters autonomy and independence, which we are already witnessing with the increase in individual isolation through addiction to smartphones, tablets, computers and other devices. It is interesting how we call these devices “smart,” as, while they may be practical tools for communication, they end up serving as tools for addictive individual isolation. While Aquarius may foster autonomy, it is an autonomy that blossoms within the context of a united global community, with humanitarian goals in mind, and it is expressed for the benefit of all.

We are, and always have been, a part of a greater Whole. Just ask those who are alone, experiencing social distancing in their apartments all by themselves. Ask them how they feel. Many will experience depression, loneliness, sadness because isolation is not natural. Complete independence, separation from the Whole, is an illusion. As long as we continue to engage in the pursuit of self-interest, as long as we refuse to abandon the boundaries of separation and isolation, and until our long-held, inhumane socio-economic hierarchies are released, humanity will not rise to its full potential. Selfishness, separation and divisiveness must be replaced with a sense of unity and Oneness.

Whether you believe that this “pandemic” is a concoction of fake news media or has been perpetrated by those with financial or political agendas, it remains an opportunity to learn a powerful, timeless lesson. We have been asked to do things that will be beneficial for all, to be mindful of the vulnerable, to stay home if necessary, to reach out to those experiencing loneliness via the Internet or to help each other in healthy, safe ways.

Far more than just learning what to do over the next two weeks when stuck at home alone or with the kids, we are being asked to consider “all” others in our equation. We can now break free of the shackles of the all-pervasive social distancing that has existed for far too long. We can step up and engage our true humanitarian—Aquarian—natures. We can learn how to be here for All, in whatever way is most helpful, as compassionate, intelligent, creative and above all, Loving Beings.

The Truth about Social Distancing
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12 thoughts on “The Truth about Social Distancing

  • March 19, 2020 at 1:06 pm

    beautiful….your saying what is right but unfortunately often it is not so

    • March 19, 2020 at 2:17 pm

      Well, now is our time to stand up and make it so! 🙂

  • March 29, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    Hi Pauline I was thinking about you and just wanted to say hi..I wanted your take on this situation and saw you already spoke about it..,many hugs SOTO

  • May 6, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    Hi Pauline I just wanted to say hello. I have been making some of your recipes and they are amazing general tao tempeh is off the wall. My meat eating men are loving it..thanks for sharing xxx

    • May 6, 2020 at 9:03 pm

      Glad you are enjoying the recipes! Try the cheesecakes, your guys will love you!

  • August 23, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE YOU. Yes, if nothing more than a wake up call to the
    United Global Community occurs during this pandemic, then the Community Mind, that
    we are, will have an opportunity to address the Nature of US, the trees, the oceans, the animals and all that we are connected to on this Earth and this Universe.

      • August 23, 2020 at 8:42 pm

        at times a,simple answer goes a long way……I agree💗

  • October 17, 2020 at 10:27 am

    Hi Pauline,

    I wrote you a message to get your take on everything that’s going on right now before having read this post. I’d still like if you could elaborate on what you’ve written here but having put the word pandemic in quotes confirms what I thought your perception of this would be. I truly believe this will serve as a period of awakening, however slow and painful it has been thus far. If you could shed some more light on the situation for me, I would appreciate it. Cheers!

    • October 17, 2020 at 2:24 pm

      This is indeed a period of awakening for humanity. The question remains, what choices will each person make now, for the choices we make, where we choose to focus our attention, will determine what tomorrow will bring. We need to remember that we are part of a Whole, that what we do has an impact on each other as well as on our environment. Above all, as shared in The Healing of Humanity, we need to experience love, for ourselves and for each other.

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